WWF Raw is War Results – March 19, 2001

March 19, 2001
Albany, New York
Hosted by Jim Ross and Paul Heyman
Report by Robert Pasbani – WrestlingArena.com

WWF Hardcore Title: Raven vs. Big Show
The match begins with Big Show coming out after Raven. He grabs Raven and then throws him back into the ring. Raven gets his foot stuck on the top rope. Big Show just dominates from there. He is about to finish the job with a chokeslam, when Kane comes out and attacks Big Show. As Big Show is down, Raven tries to attack Kane. Kane isn’t even affected. However, Kane’s back is turned to Show and Show throws him out of the ring. Show then sets Kane up for the final cut. Kane gets on the top rope and hits a flying clothesline on Show. Raven falls on top of Big Show and wins the hardcore title back. After the match, Kane throws Big Show out of the ring. Raven tries to hit Kane with a stop sign, but again Kane is unaffected. Raven then runs off.
Winner: Raven

Backstage, Shane McMahon is coming to the ring

Outside the arena, the Rock is waiting for Steve Austin. Jonathan Coachman informs Rock that Steve Austin’s flight has been delayed. Rock then told the Coach to go wait at the airport and wait for Austin, and the second he steps off the plane, tell him the Rock is waiting for him.

Shane McMahon comes out. He talks about how he was always asked what it’s like being the son of Vince McMahon. This leads to him challenging his father, Vince McMahon to a match at WWF Wrestle Mania in two weeks. Shane said if Vince had the grapefruits, to come down and accept the challenge. Shane said after he’s done with Vince, people won’t be asking him how it feels to be Vince’s son, but people will be asking Vince what it’s like to be Shane’s father. Stephanie McMahon-Helmsly comes out. She says that Vince is doing everything for their own good. She tries to plea with her brother, but he won’t listen.

Vince McMahon comes out with Trish Stratus. They stand on the top of the stage. He says he can only think of Linda as she watches her son challenging her father to a match. Vince asks Shane what kind of son he is? Vince said Shane tried him when he was 16, 18 and 24. Vince told Shane that he has to remember one thing. “I’m Vince McMahon” Vince announces to a coarse of boos. He instructs Trish to go get the contract. Vince then walks down to ringside and walks by J.R. and says he never backs down from a challenge. Vince signs the contract in front of Jim Ross and Paul Heyman. Vince says it’s on for Wrestle Mania. Vince says Shane will get a taste right now. Vince stands on the apron and Shane tries to attack him, but Stephanie holds Shane back. Vince takes off his suit jacket and is about to come in the ring. Triple H runs in from behind and attacks Shane. Vince instructs Triple H to pedigree Shane. Triple H does that as Stephanie looks on with a confused look on her face. Triple H holds Shane up and Vince says he will never forgive Linda for giving birth to Shane. Vince says that he will wheel Linda down to the ring at Wrestle Mania and she will be in his corner as he kicks Shane’s ass.

Backstage, Triple H continues the attack on Shane McMahon. They throw him in a limo. Before the limo drives off, Vince announces their match will be a street fight and then hits his son in the head with a chair. The limo drives off.

WWF Tag Team Titles: The Hardys vs. Edge and Christian
The Hardys were originally supposed to defend against the Dudleys. After the Hardys make their way into the ring, Edge and Christian come out. They said that the Dudleys blew it and they aren’t here. They then challenged the Hardys to a tag team title match and the Hardys accepted. The match started with Christian and Edge taking it to Matt. Matt tagged in Jeff and then Jeff was in the drivers seat. Jeff was giving Edge the poetry in motion, but Edge moved the ref in front of him and Jeff hit the ref. Lita climbed the top and hit her amazing huracanrana on Christian. Edge hits an X-Factor on Lita. Matt hits a twist of fate on Edge, setting him up for the Swanton bomb. After Jeff hits it, RHINO comes in the ring and spears Jeff. Edge makes the pin, the ref gets up and counts it. Edge and Christian are the new tag team champions!
Winners and new tag team champions: Edge and Christian

Backstage, the Undertaker arrives in the arena. William Regal arrives with cops. He gives Undertaker a restraining order. The order is for the Undertaker must stay at least 25 feet away from Stephanie. Undertaker agrees to that. He adds he knows that Regal snitched on him last week. He added that his world, snitches are a dying breed.

Backstage, Edge, Christian and Rhino are celebrating. Edge and Christian told Rhino to go to the hotel room and they will shower and meet him there.

Backstage, Triple H asks William Regal for a favor. Triple H asked for a match against Test and Regal agreed to it. After a commercial break, Triple H talks to Big Show. He says that the best way for Big Show to get back at Kane is to get to the Undertaker.

Jonathan Coachman is seen in the airport waiting for Steve Austin.

Tazz vs. Steven Richards with Val Venis
Tazz runs in and gives Richards a suplex. He is then measuring Richards for the tazzmission when Val Venis tries to interfere. Tazz locks in the tazzmission on Venis. He sees Richards is coming and Richards gets a tazzmission of his own. Venis attacks Richards from behind. The two RTC members double-team Tazz. The Rock comes out and cleans house and attacks all three of them.
Winner: No Decision

After the match, the Rock cuts a promo on Steve Austin.

At the airport, Coach is waiting for Steve Austin. While he is talking he notices The Dudley Boyz but they are in a hurry so they walk away.

WWF European Championship Match: Triple H with Stephanie McMahon vs. Test
The men lock up and Triple H comes out on top. HHH puts Test in the corner and starts to beat on him. Test comes back as Triple H throws him into the rope and he comes back with a forearm. Test starts to do some damage himself and tosses HHH around but as HHH is thrown into the ropes, HHH comes back with some fist of his own and then throws Test out of the ring. All of a sudden Undertaker’s music hits and HHH just stares towards the ramp. We see Undertaker walking down but Big Show is following him with a chair! Kane comes from behind and takes the big man out and then goes in front of Undertaker and chases Steph into the crowd. This leaves Triple H by himself and Undertaker comes into the ring. Undertaker slowly takes his hat off and Triple H attacks him. Undertaker is in control but out of nowhere, Triple H hits a face buster but UT in unaffected! Undertaker then grabs Triple H in chokehold and picks him up and holds him there. Big Show comes to ringside and Undertaker drops HHH and then takes care of him but Triple H gets away. Test, who is mad at UT for ruining the match, comes in a shoves Undertaker. Undertaker makes an example of him and gives him a crushing chokeslam! Undertaker taunts Triple H as Triple H is being held back by Big Show.
Winner: No Decision

Backstage, Kane is holding Stephanie McMahon high in the air on a staircase. William Regal is trying to get her down but Undertaker intervenes and demands two match for Wrestlemania: Kane vs. Big Show and Undertaker vs. Triple H. Regal reluctantly gives him the matches and a tragedy is averted.

Steve Blackman and Grand Master Sexay vs. X-Pac and Justin Credible with Albert
The match goes back and forth for a while but gets interesting as Blackman is against X-Pac and takes control but Justin interferes and knocks Blackman out of the ring. While he is outside Albert and crew set up Blackman and send his crotch into the ringpost. They get back to the ring and X-Pac hits a Bronco Buster but out of nowhere Blackman hits a double clothesline on X and Justin and is able to tag in GMS. GMS is control but the ref is distracted and Albert is able to hit an Albert Bomb off the top rope. Justin then gets an easy pin for the win.
Winners: Justin Credible and Steve Blackman

Backstage, Buh Buh Ray and D-Von Dudley find William Regal. They tell him that there flight was canceled but they were able to make in anyway. They want their title hot but Regal tells them that it’s too late and Edge and Christian have already won it. D-Von talks to Regal and Regal gives in and gives them their match.

Backstage, Jericho is in Regal’s office. He takes the tea pot and goes behind a curtain. He comes back and puts the tea pot back and then zips his pants up!

Backstage, Regal is in his office. A lackey comes in and tries to warn him about what Jericho did but Regal won’t let him talk and sends him away. Regal then drinks the “tea”!

Ivory comes out to the ring with a Chyna cardboard standup. She then makes fun of Chyna and then says that Chyna will not be at Wrestlemania because she broke her neck. Ivory then talks to the standup as if it were Chyna herself. Ivory says that she would love to beat her up at Wrestlemania but she wouldn’t do that because she is a civilized person. Ivory then shows a document to the crowd and says that this paper says that if she gets hurt at Wrestlemania it is her own fault. Ivory then makes fun of Chyna again and says she has let her fans down again because she can’t sign it. Ivory then shows what could have been at Wrestlemania and starts to beat up on the standup. Paul Heyman announces it as if it was a match and it was quite funny. All of a sudden the crowd starts to cheer and Chyna comes out. She surprises Ivory from behind and nails a DDT. Chyna then takes the document and signs it and leaves just as the RTC comes out.

Backstage, Regal is very upset and says that the WWF is out of whack and there needs to be order. He says that Jericho will face him at Wrestlemania and to show how deep his convictions run, Jericho will team up with Rock tonight against Benoit and Kurt Angle while he will tag up with Benoit and Angle in that match.

At the airport, Coach is waiting for Stone Cold. Coach sees him and tells him that the Rock wants him. Austin says that he has just cost Rock an a$$ whooping and then tells Coach to get his bags for him.

WWF Tag Team Championship Match: The Dudley Boyz vs. Edge and Christian
The new champions comes out and they look tired. D-Von dominates Christian but Christian is able to throw him out of the ring and Edge gives D-Von a couple of shots. D-Von gets back in the ring and is stomped on. Edge is tagged in and he hits neckbreaker and keeps D-Von down. Christian is tagged in and D-Von tries to fight back but is denied and he is thrown back into the corner and into the arms of Edge. Edge and Christian take turns at him but Christian went to the top rope but D-Von retaliated which gave him time to tag in Buh Buh Ray. Buh Buh takes control and throws Edge into the ropes and then Christian accidentally spears Edge. The Dudleys then set up Christian and hit the Nutcracker flying head but. D-Von then goes for wood but he gets a baseball slide instead which sends the table into his face. Edge and Christian have control but Spike Dudley comes out. Spikes dropkicks a the chair that Christian is holding into Christian’s face. Spike then sends Christians head into a chair with a DDT! The Dudleys then nail the 3D on Edge and they get the pinfall. Spike, D-Von and Buh Buh Ray celebrate.
Winners and new Tag Team Champions: The Dudley Boyz

Backstage, Kurt Angle asks Benoit to use the Crippler Crossface to set up the ankle lock on the Rock. Benoit is insulted.

Handicapped Match: Chris Benoit/Kurt Angle/William Regal vs. Chris Jericho and The Rock
Jericho comes out after Regal’s team and takes the mic. Jericho says that he had a “golden opportunity” to find out what Regal’s favorite letter is. Jericho then went down the list and finally got to P! Rock comes out right after and then men stand off. Regal and Jericho start the match and they go back and forth. Jericho knocks him down with a Bulldog but can’t get a pinfall. Regal fights back and is able to tag in Benoit but Benoit is flipped right over by Jericho and then Rock is tagged in. They go back and forth but finally Rock gets knocked down and Angle is tagged in. Rock hits a Samoan drop and then sends Kurt into Chris’ boot. Jericho is then tagged in. Jericho takes him down immediately and then they go back and forth on the ropes. Kurt is able to hit a suplex and then tags in Regal. Regal dominates and gets Jericho in his corner. Benoit tags in and hit a few suplexes before getting Kurt Angle back in. Kurt hits a suplex and Regal comes in. Jericho fights back with a few fists. They go back and forth and Jericho is able to get Regal in the cradle but Regal gets out. Kurt gets in and tosses Jericho around a bit and gets in Rock’s face. Kurt then tags in Benoit who throws Jericho around as well. He gets him in their corner and Jericho gets choked. Regal gets in and gets nailed by a spinning heal kick. Both men are on the floor and the tags are made! It’s Benoit vs. Rock and Rock dominates. Rock goes after Kurt and takes care of him and then hits a DDT on Benoit. Kurt goes after him again and they go to the outside. Jericho then attacks Benoit from behind while Rock and Kurt fight on the outside. Rock and Kurt then go back into the ring and Jericho and Benoit go outside. Rock goes for the People’s Elbow but Benoit nails him and gets him in the Crippler Crossface. Kurt then gets up and applies the ankle lock as well. Jericho runs into the ring and breaks it up. Regal then gets the belt and nails Jericho and gets the pinfall. After the match, Regal, Benoit and Kurt beat up on Rock. Austin’s music hits! The Rattlesnake comes out and nails Kurt. He then goes for a Stunner on Rock but Kurt hits him. They exchange blows until Austin nails a Stunner! Rock then took the title belt and nailed Austin with it. Benoit then knocked down Rock and continued to beat on him. Rock was able to fight back and knocked Benoit out of the ring. Rock then nailed a Rockbottom on Steve Austin and everyone was laid out!
Winners: Regal/Benoit/Angle