WWF Raw is War Results – February 26, 2001

February 26, 2001
Phoenix, Arizona
Hosted by Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler
Report by Fred Venturini – TPWW.net

WWF Raw comes to you live tonight from the America West Arena in Phoenix, and it should be a big one coming off of No Way Out where we crowned a new WWF Champ and saw HHH defeat Stone Cold in an awe inspiring blood bath of a match.

Raw opens with No Way Out highlights. If you need results, they’re available on our fine website. Rocky is shown with the belt, and Kurt is crying his way out of the arena as the pyro crashes and lets all of America know that Raw is underway.

JR plugs McMahon/Trish vs. Regal/Steph as the Rock’s music hits! The new WWF champ is on his way to the ring.

Rock is wearing the absolute craziest shirt I’ve ever seen. It looks like a Zebra screwed a traffic light and this shirt was the lone offspring. The crowd is popping and so are the flashbulbs as Rock grabs the mike and prepares to address the crowd.
“Finally the Rock has come back to Phoenix!” Rock says that finally the time has come for him to stand in the middle of the ring as champion, just like he said he would. A “Rocky” chant breaks out as he continues, telling Kurt that he showed the Rock two sides at No Way Out. During the match, he was viscious and unrelenting. He kicked out of the People’s Elbow, almost snapped the Rock’s ankle. Rock respects Angle “bringing it” to the Rock. But then, after the match, we saw the other side as Kurt was crying, moaning, bitching, and complaining. Rock says (in Kurt Angle squeaky voice): “oh, it’s ok, I still have my three I’s, I still have my milk, it’s my match, it’s my title, I never had sex with a woman before.” The Rock says he’s going to Wrestelmania, and if Angle wants to bitch, Rock says come out and bitch at the Rock.

Uh oh, Austin’s music hits! Here’s what all of us have been waiting for! He’s got a brand new shirt and he struts right to the ring with a viscious scowl.

Austin has the mike now, and he says the reason he’s out there is to get a few things off of his chest. First of all, he congratulates the Rock on winning the title. Kurt Angle can cry, but the better man won, so more power to the Rock. But SC has advice, as long as the Rock is the champ, Stone Cold says for the Rock to stay healthy. Just stay healthy. That sounds very suspect if you ask me. Austin tries to leave, but . ..

Rock says “Don’t leave.” Austin stares him down. Rock says he appreciates the advice but he has some of his own. Two words of advice for Austin: “Get Ready.” Rock adds, “if you smell. What the Rock . . . (removes glasses) is cookin.” All the time they were nose to nose and Austin continues to talk trash as both of their respective music themes begin to play.

Now THAT was an intense segment folks, but we cut to outside as Regal is shown chatting with Steph. Regal wants to settle the matter with Vince. Steph says that she’s afraid of Vince because he can’t be reasoned with.

Regal continues to wait as the Radicalz are shown chatting amongst themselves. Eddie shows up late, and Benoit and Eddie mouth each other. Eddie wants to finish what they started last night, because Benoit let a title come between them. Best technical wrestler? My ass says Latino Heat. Benoit says let’s find out essa! The two make amends for now.

Eddie and Benoit apparently have decided to co-exist for this match. Credible and X-Pac seem to have new music as well. Justin starts out against Eddie and hits a powerbomb style move and then a wicked looking DDT. Eddie comes back with a side suplex and tags Benoit. Credible hits a bridge suplex and tags X-Pac. He gets instant boos and then lands a few chops. Benoit locks on the crossface, but Justin breaks it up as Eddie comes back in. He hits a nice vertical suplex and gets a two count. Benoit comes back in and hits the best damn snap suplex in the business. After a slam, Eddie rolls onto X-Pac over the top rope. X-Pac comes back with a spinning heel kick. Eddie gets set up for the Bronco Buster but misses, getting a tilt a whirl backbreaker for his trouble. Credible and X-Pac crush Eddie with a double chin music kick, but Benoit dominates now, shoulderblocking X-Pac and suplexing Justin onto Pac, then drilling him with three additional german suplexes. He now goes up and misses the headbut as X-Pac pulls Credible out of the way. X-Pac then rolls up Benoit and gets a quick three!

After the match, Benoit looks a hole through Eddie. The walk out looking like their dogs just died. The relationship is definitely in peril.

Highlights are shown of Trish and Steph, and then a limo is shown arriving. Vince exits, along with Trish. Vince asks her if she enjoyed the ride as much as he did. Regal then confronts him, and apologizes for No Way Out. Vince says that Regal said he knew exactly what to do, so Vince knows that the match is on for tonight as RAW goes to commercial.

When we come back, Angle is interviewed by Coachman, but he ignores him, looking like Angle intense this evening.

The winner gets a shot at the Women’s title, and Matt Hardy and Crash are at ringside. Lita has a nice yellow thong on tonight too. Molly hits a shoulderblock, and then cranks on her arm a bit until Lita hits a hurricanrana. Molly blocks a suplex and gets a rollup for a two count. Crash and Matt are talking trash. Lita hits a victory roll for another two, but Holly comes back with an arm drag. Lita kicks Molly in the back and sends her outside, but Crash puts her back in the ring. Lita then gets tossed over the ropes and lands on Matt. Crash puts her back in and then begins to go after Matt. The Ninja woman runs in and DDT’s Molly while the ref was distracted. Lita then goes up top and hits a moonsault on a prone Molly for the three and the win.

Vince is shown with a mopbucket full of dung. Ewww. Kurt barges in and asks for a rematch with the Rock because he wants to hurt him. Vince takes it under advisement as RAW goes to commercial.

When we return, Steph is talking to Vince about what would happen if they have to get in the ring at the same time. Vince is talking and we have no idea what he means, just like last night. He just keeps saying “you know what will happen? You know what I mean?” Strange. Regal is now apologizing to Trish, who slams the door on him.

Al Snow is at WWFNY, and he’s trying to get elected commissioner. If he gets appointed, the main thing the WWF needs is more midgets and he’d take away the British presence that rhymes with “Zillion Beagle.”

Big Show is then shown lobbying for a title shot with Vince. Vince then makes a match as punishment for the Big Show—he must defend his hardcore title in a triple threat match against Kurt and the Rock.

As the match is set to begin, the lights go red and Kane’s music hits. The brothers from hell come out together and look like they’re just going to watch the Big Ass and the Big Hair go up against the masters of the table. Meanwhile, Haku starts out against D-Von with Haku landing a big bodyslam and making a quick tag. Rikishi gets shoulderblocked, and the Buh Buh lands a big clothesline off of the second rope. Now both Dudleyz team up to drop Rikishi on his face, getting a two count as the crowd chants for tables. Rikishi answers with a fat belly to belly suplex on D-Von. Haku now pummels D-Von in the corner and hits a side suplex. Haku continues the assault, but D-Von makes the tag after a missed elbow. Buh Buh cleans house, but gets the superkick from Rikishi. Buh Buh dodges the massive butt drop, and the the Dudlez land the “Wasssup” crotch drop. Uh oh, it’s table time, but the ref gets knocked out and the 3-D gets landed on Haku. Now Rikishi begins to dominate after there is a no count, hitting the huge Banzai drop, but the Undertaker and Kane hit the ring, and we’ve got some carnage. UT absolutely wipes out Rikishi, and Kane attacks the Dudleyz. Kane then chokelsams Haku as the ref regains consciousness and D-Von makes the cover for the three count! After the match, both Dudleyz get chokeslammed at the same time as “Rollin” hits and the unholy alliance leaves the ring as the last men standing.

The Rock gets word of his match tonight in his locker room, to which he says that Micheal Cole obviously knows how to dress like a fourteen year old girl, but can he read? What does the Rock’s shirt say? It doesn’t matter of course. Since we all know how the Rock feels about the Big Show and Kurt, you bet your ass it doesn’t matter!

Vince comes to the ring hauling his dungbucket, and if you ask me that has Trish’s name all over it after what happened on Smackdown. Trish kisses Vince, prompting him to give her the start of the match. Steph gets her hair almost pulled out as Trish tries to land a bulldog, instead getting her boobies slammed into the turnbuckle. Steph hits a nice DDT and gets a quick two, and then begins pummeling Trish in the corner. After a clothesline, both women are down. Trish reaches over and tags Vince, who comes in where Daddies little girl is down. She gets to her feet and tries to tag Regal, who takes a walk on Steph! Steph is on her knees, and Vince calls for the mike. Regal puts the bucket in the ring, and Vince says he always gets what he wants. What is it that he wants though? Vince says it’s the same thing that Regal wants, and it’s the same thing that Trish wants. Trish, he says, get what you want. He tags her in, but does it by dropping her in the ring on her head! Steph gets a slap and Regal hits his finisher! Trish gets mopped up with that slop now, and they put Trish’s head in the bucket, then pouring it all over her as Vince says that she was daddies little toy, and playtime is OVER! Wow, what a segment. I actually felt bad for Trish, but she’s burned so many bridges, I doubt anyone was going to make a save. Raw goes to commercial.

So, after the utter humiliation from Trish and that quasi-swerve from Vince, Raw returns to show Trish crying about her ordeal.

Taka comes out and says “YOU! DEAN MALENKO! YOU THINK YOU ARE LADIES MAN? I HAVE GIRLFRIEND. SHE IS BEAUTIFUL, SHE IS VELUPTUOUS, SHE IS EEEEEVIL.” The mike then is handed to the Chinese woman, who gets in a feminine, “Indeeeed.”

Taka hits a high cross body onto Malenko on the outside, and then gets a two with a backslide. Dean regains control and goes for the Texas Cloverleaf, but gets rolled up for a two count. Taka hits a kick, but Malenko catches him, planting him up top for a superplex, which he hits with perfection. Taka lands a superkickbut and Dean counters. Take reverses, hitting the Michanoku driver for the one . . . two . . ., no! Taka goes for a high risk move from the top, but Dean rolls him over for the Texas Cloverleaf and the tap out. Nice fast match with lots of action packed into just a few minutes.

Now Kurt gets airtime, saying he loves the match tonight. All his life, he played by the rules, and tonight, he doesn’t feel like playing by them so he can do what wants. He doesn’t give a damn if the Rock gives him props, and as for the Big Show, how dare him! Try mastering the simple things Big Show, like walking upright, you big cavebeast! Kurt says that he will make sure that the Rock will not be walking after tonight.

RTC is shown unloading from a van, and the Kat is done up just like them. She’s crying as they make their way into the arena.

Raven says that now he has cemented his status as the greatest hardcore champ, he’s decided to expand the Raven Effect, but he’d like to take a moment to “genuflect” on their personal favorite hardcore Raven moment. The smashing of Al Snow’s head? Turning Crash into—

But the countdown hits, interrupting the Raven Effect. Jericho welcomes everyone to RAW is Jericho. What is his favorite “raisin” moment? The swirly in the toilet? The first set of leather pantyhose? No, it’s when he told the “raisin” to shut the hell up. Good work from both men.

Now it’s go time, and the crowd is firmly behind Y2J. Jericho hits a nice armdrag takedown, but Raven counters with a bulldog and a two count. Jericho comes back to hit his own bulldog, and he only gets two. Now chops from Jericho, and Raven lands a big boot. As he tries to counter, Raven gets rolled up in the walls of Jericho. The Ninja woman comes down to distract the ref, and Molly follows. The woman hits Raven with the board, and Y2J hits the lionsault for the three count. Now Molly almost gets the Ninja woman’s mask off, but Raven makes the save. Well folks, we now know that she is a blonde because that’s all that we got to see before she escapes.

Lawler leaves ringside to prepare for a match against RTC. JR shows us highlights of Richards beating Lawler at No Way Out.

The RTC is backstage, and Stevie says that Stacey (not Kat) was instrumental in helping them win, and deep down she wants to change. She tries to say something, but Ivory pulls her hair. In their match, RTC has truth on their side, so no one can beat them.

Kurt is shown stretching Olympic style, and then the Big Show is shown warming up. There is Angle’s and Rock’s name on two lockers, and the Big Show is punching the hell out of them until they fall. Intensity. Raw to commercial.

Taz joins JR for commentary. Highlights are shown of the Rusty Tillman/Jesse Ventura rivalry at the XFL game. Speaking of which, be sure to check out the latest editon of XFL Blitz when I talk about the NBC/XFL conspiracy theory, address the readers questions and comments, and preview week 5.

The APA and Lawler come out first, and the Acolytes look like they’re BROODING about the ring. Not enough beer or boobies for those boys. It’s going to be Bull, Goodfather, and Val to do the dirty work.

Stevie joins for commentary next to Taz, and Bull is getting beat up by the APA. Taz is pissed off, calling Stevie gutless. Bull regains control, and Stevie says that they even beat up the APA in their place, a bar. Goodfther drops Farooq with a slam, and Val joins him. This match is all over the place. The crowd chants “Jerry” as Farooq comes back, shouldering down the Goodfather, and making the tag to Bradshaw. He gets it on with Bull, cracking him with an elbow and then a big boot. Val gets the tag and he gets a big boot too, and then a massive elbow. Bradshaw misses the clothesline, but he catches a highcross body, landing a slam and then kicking the Goodfather again. The Kat is now all over Ivory, Stevie breaks it up. Bradshaw lands the clothesline from hell, and then gets the double spinebuster as Lawler goes up top and lands a punch for the three count. Lots and lots of action in this one, and the RTC escapes with the Kat, who was definitely not going quietly.

The Rock is lathered up and ready as we go to commercial.

When we return, Kurt is already in the ring, and they replay his menacing comments from earlier. Wellll, well by God it’s the Big Show. And I do mean Big. It’s his title on the line, and since it’s hardcore, let’s see what happens here. Rock comes out to another big pop packing his world title.

We start out with a Kurt/Rock staredown, but Show breaks it up with a double clothesline. Rock comes back with rights, and gets him to one knee. Kurt from behind lands a side suplex, and Show slams Kurt with a headbutt. Kurt punches away, but Show just screams. Two clotheslines, and he doesn’t move. Rock then lands his own on Kurt, and he goes outside. Show follows, banging Rock’s head into the announce table. Then, he goes to ram him into the post, but Rock reverses, knocking him into the steps. Now Kurt jumps Rock and tosses him back into the ring. The assault continues, but Rock retaliates, catching a kick and legdragging him down. Angle then gets trapped in the Sharpshooter, but Show breaks it up. Now, he signals for the Showstopper, and Kurt seems to be the first to get it. Rock though lands a right, but then gets set up for the ride, only to kick Show. Kurt then tries to suplex the Big one, but can’t do it. He tries three times, but Rock then joins him and they do it! Double suplex! Kurt celebrates, but Rock lays the smack down on him, tossing him outside. Blackman comes in now? He hits show with a board, and gets a two. Hardcore Holly comes out and hits a few trashcan shots to the head for a two. Now Albert has a shot, and he lands a big boot, but Saturn breaks it up! Holy shit, there are guys everywhere! The One Billy Gunn has the right idea, he hits Show with a ballbat while Albert and Saturn grapple in the ring. Angle and Rock are outside, but the Show is making his way to the back. Show then catches Essa Rios off of the stage, and slams him. Crash does the same for the same result. Gunn follows him back with everyone else. Man, I give up this is carnage. Back in the ring, Angle, Saturn, and Albert are destroying the Rock. Rock fights back, but they put him right back down. In the back, six men are trying to take down the Big Show, but he keeps cleaning up with them. Holly goes through a table and Rios gets a hardcore shot into a door and then the Big Show picks him up and pins him horizontally against the wall! Holy God, I’ve never seen that before in my life. Rock is still getting whipped, and he tries to fight back again, but Saturn bulldogs him and the assault continues. Albert tries to attack, but gets clotheslined. Saturn gets a spinebuster, but Angle locks on the ankle lock! Now Stone Cold hits the ring! Stunner on Angle! Stunner on Saturn! Rock looks like he’s about to Rock Bottom Austin, but he turns and then hits the Rock Bottom on Albert! Stone Cold’s music hits, and the staredown is on as Austin looks on from the ramp.