WWF Raw is War Results – February 19, 2001

February 19, 2001
St. Louis, Missouri
Hosted by Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler
Report by Fred Venturini – TPWW.net

WWF RAW is WAR comes to you live from the Savvis Center in St. Louis, Missouri-just a stone’s throw from my hometown and this crowd is always hot, so let’s get set for an unbelievable night of wrestling action as I’m sure the WWF will want to hype up No Way Out, and they couldn’t have picked a better place. The pyro is booming, the signs are flying high and we’re ready to go.

RAW opens up by showing the hectic end to Smackdown, which sets up a huge tag match tonight with Rock/Stone Cold vs. Benoit and Angle.

RAW’s first match is of the triple threat variety, as the Undertaker gets a big pop when “Rollin” hits the speakers and the dead man walkin is ironically ridin’ to the ring. D-Von comes out, surprisingly by himself, sporting tag team gold. Christian comes out with some nice big goofy glasses (where can I get some of those) and Edge is with him, ready to do some color commentary.

UT opens up against D-Von and quickly lands a big boot and a leg drop. Quick cover to no avail when Christian breaks it up. UT handles him easily, tossing him into the corner and pounding away, but D-Von attacks, unable to put UT on the ground. UT tosses the Dudley out only to have him return and join Christian in some old fashioned double teaming. Edge says that JR doesn’t see teeth in Oklahoma, which made me laugh outloud. Meanwhile, D-Von gets dragged out by the UT who pushes Edge down. Christian hits a reverse DDT and the UT gets back in, dominating Christian. JR hypes up Kane and UT as an unbeatable team. UT gets D-Von in a chokeslam position, only to get a nut shot. D-Von lands a clothesline and then gets chokeslammed. UT covers, but it is broken up by Christian. Now Edge supplies a distraction while Christian tries to finish UT off, but UT lands the last ride powerbomb which lands with a massive thud, allowing the Dead Man to score the pin and the victory. He then chokeslams Edge and his music hits. Carnage and domination left by the Undertaker, and a nice open to RAW.

Steph is shown outside waiting for Trish, and then HHH tells her to calm down for their match tonight. Steph says that she can’t wait for the match to beat down the skank and show her who the dominant female is as RAW goes to the first commercial break.

When RAW returns, Edge and Christian are talking strategy, saying they can’t physically dominate UT andKane, so they have brains and they need to use those.

Lita comes out, and ya know what? She always looks good. JR plugs her theme on the new CD and a video package showing their history is set to some new techno music. Malenko comes out looking serious and mostly bald. He needs to get her in a thong suplex, we’d love to see that. Dean pushes her down with force and anger. Lita then takes a kick and a punch, and Dean is getting booed out of the building. Dean goes for the chair now, but the ref takes it away. Lita rolls him up, but doesn’t even get a one count. Now Dean hangs Lita up tree of woe style and kicks away at her toned abs. Now a pin, but Dean puts her leg on the rope to let it continue. Lita now with a lowblow and a cradle for a two count. Dean drops her with a tough side suplex, and he is prolonging the match by rolling Lita on top of him for a token pin. Vertical suplex as the ref gets knocked out of the ring. He goes for the chair again, and Matt Hardy comes out of the crowd and knocks Malenko cold. Lita crawls over as the ref recovers . . . one . . . two . . . three! Lita goes over Malenko, and the crow is in disbelief. So am I. Not about the match, but how did Malenko not get a rise out of this match.

After the match, Matt Hardy kisses Lita, and is quickly apologetic. Lita looks confused, but she leaves the ring. Lita chases Matt down on the ramp, and she kisses him back! Wow, they’re really going at it, and it looks as if we have a new couple in the WWF. I wonder what Jeff will think of all this. We know she’s 2 Xtreme, but I doubt she’s 3 Xtreme if you get my drift.

Now Steph is shown jumping a limo outside, and it is indeed Trish. Trish pokes her head out of the sunroof and Steph attacks, knocking her around pretty good as RAW goes to commercial.

When we return, JR shows more highlights of Smackdown, where Angle tries to snap Rock’s ankle with the Shamrock lock. Now Angle is being interviewed.

When it comes to the Rock, Angle thinks he’s jealous, talking about defying the odds and bringing home the gold. A guy like the Rock can’t represent this country, and it hurts Kurt that he’s everything that the Rock isn’t. He’s more courteous and athletic, but the Rock is the hero. Angle pushes Kevin Kelly, telling him that the Rock made him put his finger up his nose and called him a hermophodite. Angle says that the Rock has no respect for anyone. Angle goes on to say that everyone who thinks Rock vs. Austin is set in stone is wrong, because Kurt is more talented and deserving of the people’s admiration. He says that at No Way Out he will win the fans over, gaining their respect and a standing ovation. Kurt says that his dreams always come true, and his days of being on top aren’t numbered, but the Rock’s are. And that Kevin Kelly, that America, is true. Very intense words from the champ.

Now the Kat is shown in APA’s office. She says she wants to get naked, and Bradshaw says that Déjà vu in St. Louis is a place where the right to nudity can take their skin off if they want to. Both Acolytes seem pretty excited, and I would be too. Speaking from experience folks, they’ll take it all off and believe me when I say they’ll empty your wallet too. However, the APA will fit right in.

Now Jericho is shown interviewed by “Mitchell Cole,” ha ha. He gets in a Steph crack and says that the IC title isn’t on the line because he’s the special referee, and since both Eddie and X-Pac hate him, Rod Smart of the XFL’s Las Vegas Outlaws has lent him a special referee jersey that says “He Hate Me” on theback. Speaking of XFL, my new XFL Blitz column is up. I tackle some pretty tough stuff like the sagging ratings and the addition of “Vinsanity” to the XFL. I urge you all to check it out and let me know what YOU guys think.

Now the Y2J countdown timer hits, and Jericho comes out true to form, sporting his custom name he hate me sleeveless jersey. I’ll guess that Jericho will call this one right down the middle because he pretty much hates both of these guys.

This one opens up with a quick pace and a spinning heel kick from X-Pac. X gets trapped in the turnbuckle and Eddie slams him down. Jericho doesn’t count. Eddie now gets rolled up but gets to the ropes. Eddie latches on an abdominal stretch, and Jericho pulls Eddie out of the hold by the hair. X-Pac then gets mete by a right hand. Eddie goes up top and X kicks him down. Now Pac goes up top and brings down Latino Heat with a superplex. Y2J registers his ten count, but X-Pac gets to his feet and lands the Bronco Buster. Jericho once again breaks it up and Eddie regains control, only to get kicked on the throat and suplexed out of the ring. Now Jericho and X-Pac start brawling and JustinCredible hits the ring, and they double team Jericho. Guerrero comes back and we’ve got a melee. Eddie and Jericho go at it after Credible and X-Pac are cleared out, with Eddie getting laid out by a bulldog and lionsault. As he goes down the ramp, Benoit comes out and DDT’s the IC champ on the steel ramp.

Kat is shown at Déjà vu in St. Louis, and there are naked women everywhere. The APA suggests that she dance for the strippers . . . and them of course.

Now Edge and Christian are telling a jabroni to go and deliver a message. E and C are calling the Dudleyz out, and as they make their way out, the message is delivered to the UT, which is that the Dudleyz are messing up his bike! What a plot . . and as they come out, the bike is indeed messed up and the Dudleyz are looking for E and C as the UT comes out, battling the tag champs, and handling them well. Buh Buh spears the UT into a wall and beat him down, then they go searching for the Maple Leaf Blondes. Kane comes out to find his brother down, and then E and C come out of nowhere and deliver the conchairto.

Now Steph is shown getting psyched up for her match. She says that she’s going to get some fresh air before her match as RAW goes to commercial.

As we return, Steph is making her way to the ring. She grabs the mic and says that the plans have changed because daddy isn’t in St. Louis tonight. Steph is in control, and everyone was expecting to see Stone Cold teaming with the Rock. While they were expecting to see that match right now, the people will have to wait. She rolls Smackdown footage with Trish calling Linda “nanna.” Linda does what she always does, looking like a piece of wood as Trish receives her roses. Steph says she worked hard to make Linda become quiet and subdued. There’s only room for one dominant female and that’s Steph. Now it’s time to get rid of another meddlesome bitch, Trish, who should’ve stayed in the backseat where she was more comfortable. Steph says she’s fearless, showing footage of her slapping Stone Cold. If she’d slap Stone Cold, just imagine what will happen at No Way Out. Since Steph is in control and HHH isn’t ready to compete yet, Trish should come out and get a one on one shot right now! She says this over chants of slut, but instead of Trish, Stone Cold’s music hits!! Austin is looking primed, bald, and bad-assed. He stares down Steph and grabs the mike, and says for Steph to relax. He just wanted to say thanks for reminding Stone Cold what she did to him last Monday. He tells the pathetic bitch to shut up, and since he can’t touch HHH, he thought he’d come out and give her a present right from the bottom of his heart, which turns out to be a Stone Cold Stunner! Now HHH comes out, and he’s livid. The crowd is popping and Stone Cold decides to celebrate his little victory with a cold one. He exits, flying the middle finger as RAW goes to commercial.

Steph is shown getting medical attention, and HHH is wrecking his room, throwing a lamp and kicking out the medic, taking care of her himself.

Trish is then shown, talking trash to Steph. Regal thinks they should leave since Stone Cold is on the prowl.

When footage is shown of the Lita/Matt liplock, he shrugs his shoulder like the stud that he is. Obviously he’s pumped up, and he hits a high risk move to start the match on the outside. Poetry in motion quickly on Rikishi, and then Haku is shown the turnbuckle, where he catches Jeff, slams him, and kicks Matt who is then decked by Rikishi. Haku tags in, and pounds away at Hardy in the corner, finishing with a headbutt. Rikishi back in now, and he continues the punishment. He sets up Hardy in the turnbuckle to run into him but misses, landing in a DDT by Matt. Jeff finally gets the tag, and Jeff hits a corkscrew moonsault on Haku, and spinning down Rikishi. Rikishi ends up tossing Jeff, but gets hit with the twist of fate. Jeff then hits the swanton bomb, but Haku drops a massive headbutt on Jeff was the ref was putting Matt out of the ring.

After the match, the Hardyz double team Rikishi, only to get a double Tongan death grip from Haku, which means lights out for both Hardy Boyz.

Now the Kat is shown sitting near the Déjà vu stage, getting invited up to dance, and she does, getting her skirt pulled down by a stripper in a provocative fashion. Uh oh, Stevie Richards jumps the stage. Stevie dares the APA to come to the stage, and they get knocked out by an attack by the rest of Stevie’s crew. After some beermug shots and a table shot, the APA is left laying. Interesting note, Stevie ripped his shirt off before daring the APA to come after him. Last week he cusses, this week he’s stripping? Practice what you preach white socks.

Al Snow is now giving out buttons, telling King and JR that he’s running for commissioner. Big Show is shown destroying the competition at the Smackdown hardcore match.

Crash begins with some sign shots and a fire extinguisher squirt. Raven immediately makes his way to the back, getting chased the entire way and beat down by a blue sign. Cover by Crash to no avail. Crash misses a punch and hits a barrel as Raven gets tossed into what appears to be a septic tank. Crash gets a splash onto Raven and gets a two count in the water, and that splash was in the literal sense folks! Now Raven gets wheeled on a cart into a stack of boxes, and then he gets wheeled into a door. Crash lives up to his name though, getting greased by a few trashcan shots and then the Big Show makes his presence felt, slamming both men into the garage wall. Show is cracked by the ninja woman, and Crash chases Raven, who lands a shot with a stopsign. Molly shows up, attacking the two of them. Molly gets in the car with the both of them, and Crash makes his way into the back seat with them. Raven ejects Crash, and Molly follows suit. Raven takes off just as the Big Show was ready to eat the car.

HHH is taking Steph to a limo, and he tells her he’ll take care of it. She urges him not to touch Austin because it will cost him six months when he only needs to wait six days.

The RTC siren hits, and they have kidnapped the Kat. She has smeared make-up and is wrapped in a long trenchcoat. Ivory is manhandling Kat as Steven says he doesn’t understand the people, why would they cheer for Kat to take her clothes off when they should carry themselves with pride and dignity. He asks if they want to see her body and the crowd explodes. Steven ignores them, telling them to sit there and embrace their immoral ways while the RTC are fighting the good fight. Richards is now grabbing the Kat, telling the crowd she will not get her way. If the people won’t be the judge and jury, the RTC will. Uh oh, the King is now pissed.

King jumps into the ring and tells Richards to take his hands off of her. Now Stevie asks if he’s a knight in shining armor, but the King says he’s going to beat the hell out of him if he doesn’t leave her alone. King says he’d rather see the Kat naked, but he’ll fight to see her naked. Richards strikes a deal now, saying that King will fight for indecency against any member of choice. If Lawler wins, Kat can get naked at the PPV and the RTC will allow it. However if he loses, the Kat belongs to the RTC. The crowd chants “Jerry,” and King accepts, picking Steven! King also gives him a sample, knocking Steven out cold with a hard right as RAW goes to commercial.

As we return, Micheal Cole is waiting to interview the Rock. JR plugs the album and shows Taz at WWF NY.

Now the Rock is ready to speak, and Cole asks him about Kurt. “Kurt Angle, the question of the night, why is the Rock the people’s champion? It wasn’t the Rock who made himself the people’s champ, it was the people. Maybe it was because the Rock doesn’t whine or tell people what to do, and he isn’t the biggest, whiniest gold medal wearing bitch walking God’s green Earth! You see Kurt, the Rock says don’t ask questions, like ‘jeepers peepers, no one cheers for me’ awww, shut your mouth. Kurt, the Rock is going to Wrestlemania, and the countdown is on for No Way Out, this Sunday night, there is no way out for you. 6 days, til No Way Out. Twenty-one thousand seconds, til no way out. Tick tock, tick tock . . . tick tock. This Sunday you’re looking at the next WWF champ. That is true, if you smmmmmeeeeeeeeeelllll . . . what the Rock . . . is cookin’.” RAW goes to commercial.

When we return, HHH is coming to the ring. God only knows what he’s up to, but it appears that he’s going to sit at ringside.

Our Olympic hero has arrived, it’s true, it’s true. The new intense Kurt Angle comes out, gold around his waist, and Chris Benoit is the next to join him.

HHH sounds pissed on the headset, saying that six days away it’s all over for the Rattlesnake.

The glass hits, and Stone Cold is BMFing to the ring as HHH needs to be calmed down. King tells him it’s not worth the suspension, and it’s strange that Austin comes out before the Rock . . . a sign of things to come?

After some obligatory posing, Austin grabs two beers, pops the tops, and then slams them down on the table for JR and King, staring at HHH the entire time.

Now the Rock comes out, and he does his posing as well. We’re about set to go now, and Rock is staring down Kurt Angle. There’s a whole lot of bad blood going on here, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see Jericho come get him some of Benoit before this RAW is over.

Rock starts against Benoit. He gains quick control, and then tags in Austin, who gets Benoit in an arm bar. Benoit then kicks him in the face as he bends over for a backdrop, adding some chops before Stone Cold pummels him in the corner with rights and boots. HHH is primed to blow at any second, but the Rock gets the tag and Benoit’s arm gets worked over more. Rock delivers a clothesline and slams Benoit’s face into Austin’s boot, making the tag. Stone Cold gets his eyes raked and receives some chops.

Angle gets the tag, but the Rattlesnake strikes with a huge right and then two thundering vertical suplexes. Austin comes outside with Angle now, and HHH stares him down one more time. Rock then lands a Samoan drop on Angle when he gets back in, but Angle fires back with an elbow, working over Rock’s lower back with some kicks. Benoit gets the tag, as does Austin. Austin buries his knees in Benoit’s stomach, and then latches on an abdominal stretch. He laughs at the Game, flying the bird as HHH rises up. Austin is now getting doubled in the corner, but he fights out, only to get a belly to belly from Kurt. Now the Crippler stomps away at Stone Cold, and Angle adds an elbow to the throat. The crowd livens up with an “Austin” chant, but the heels contiue the assault with quick tags and rights.

The Crippler then tries his German suplex combo, but Austin catches him with a suplex of his own and then tags Rock. Rock lays the smack down, landing a huge suplex and then spinebusting Benoit, applying the sharpshooter, only to have Angle break it up. Four men in there now, and Angle gets tossed by Austin. Meanwhile, Rock gets caught in the Crossface, but Stone Cold breaks it up. Hebner gets involved with Stone Cold, and Benoit and Rock are now in the ring. Angle returns now, hitting a suplex and then getting a two count. More double teaming from the heels, and Rock gets blasted by three straight Benoit belly to back suplexes. Benoit then goes up to fly, but misses his headbutt. Both men down now, but Rock gets the tag. Austin is in streetfight mode, beating everyone down. Angle gets a huge spinebuster and Benoit breaks it up, only to get caught in the Lou Thez press. Going for the stunner, Austin instead clotheslines Angle. Once again, all four men in until the Rock dumps Benoit.

Austin then stuns the hell out of Angle, and then HHH breaks up the count. Benoit tried to smack Austin with the belt, but hit the Game instead. As he turns, Rock lands the Rock Bottom on Benoit for the one, two, three and Rock and Austin pick up a huge win in the main event.

Now Austin and Rock are staring each other down, and Rock decides to pose with the belt. HHH and Austin are glaring, while Rock taunts Angle as RAW goes off the air. Great build up for the PPV and Smackdown should only further this momentum.