Mickie James Speaks – WWE Firing, TNA Debut, Piggie James

The Interactive Wrestling Radio sent this along:

One of the hottest names on the wrestling scene right now as she sets her sights on success outside of it, Mickie James stops by to discuss her new CD, her upcoming concert supporting Gretchen Wilson and Montgomery Gentry, and her time in the wrestling business working in bars and clubs all the way through working in front of nearly 100,000 on the showcase of the immortals, WrestleMania. It is a fun interview with a talented performer.

This interview was conducted on Monday, August 23 for air on August 25. This was conducted before the passing of Luna Vachon. As we didn’t mention it on the air, I’d like to send out our sincere condolences and to dedicate this interview and broadcast to the memory of Luna Vachon. Her hard work will always be remembered at the Wrestling Epicenter.

To listen to this interview including downloading it for play on any portable device, go to http://www.WrestlingEpicenter.com/. If you like what you hear, check out the store and support us to keep us 100% free!


– Mickie comes onto the show and jumps into a discussion on her new album “Strangers & Angels” and she says the experience has been very positive with good reviews & a great fan response.

– She decided to go into music because its something she’s always loved. She played violin in high school and was always interested in it, and she began writing songs while on the road in the WWE. She was never professionally trained to sing, but decided to give it a shot and she’s very happy with how its turned out.

– For right now, she’s trying to balance both wrestling & music, and will actually be facing Awesome Kong in October. She did make it sound as though music was more the route she was hoping to travel.

– Going into her wrestling career, James mentions being a fan of her work since first seeing her in BBOW back in 2001. She says going from the independents to the WWE was a huge accomplishment in her career. She was also very proud of the storyline with herself and Trish Stratus for Wrestlemania 22. She feels she was brought up to the main roster in an awesome story that helped her in the long run.

– James mentions that on this show’s WrestleMania 22 preview years ago, they remarked that the longest running story going into the show was the Mickie/Trish angle and as a result, it was one of the most anticipated. Mickie says there was pressure to deliver, but they both knew their characters well & understood the storyline perfectly, so they made it work.

– In comparing music to wrestling, she says that wrestling is more of a display of strength while performing music shows a more vulnerable side of her, so fans get to see a different side to her personality.

– She talks about her appearance on the television show “Psych” and she had a lot of fun playing the role she played. She says acting isn’t really the route she’s attempting to travel but she’s open to it.

– Mickie felt that the reason WWE didn’t want to use her Indy name “Alexis Laree” is because they probably thought it didn’t sound like a real name. She had no problems using her real name on WWE television as the name sounds cool. She gives her mother props for the cool name though Mickie and James brieftly joke about the “Hey Mickie” song from the 80’s.

– When she started going into music, she says that the WWE supported her every step along the way up until she left the company.

– Dixie Carter attended some of Mickie’s concerts, and when asked if she’d go back to TNA, she says its something that interests her. However, she wants to balance both music & wrestling. She says she’ll have to see where music takes her and if she would be able to do both. She did also mention that TNA has a less strenuous schedule.

– She’s going to perform at a huge concert in her hometown of Richmond, VA with huge country music talents such as Gretchen Wilson and Montgomery Gentry. She says it’s a huge honor to be doing a big show like that, especially with big names involved. She says it is by far the biggest audience she’ll have ever sung in front of and is so happy that it is in her own hometown.

– She has heard people compare it to Gretchen Wilson which she sees as a massive compliment but she wants Gretchen to sound like Gretchen and Mickie to sound like Mickie.

– Mickie describes her music as “Where country meets rock”. James says he can hear a lot of rock influence, especially classic Southern rock. Mickie seems happy that he caught that.

– The discussion shifts to her leaving the WWE. Mickie says that there were goals she wishes she had accomplished, but was happy with her success there. When asked about the “Piggy James” story with Michelle McMcool, she acknowledges the mixed reactions the storyline got, but it ultimately didn’t get the payoff it needed because she got the Staff Infection. She also talks about how she forced herself to be ready in time for Wrestlemania 26.

– She has written more music for another album and hopes to keep growing bigger and bigger in her music career as she continues to improve.

– James mentions that recent guests have said how loyal wrestling fans are. Mickie agrees saying she has some of the best fans in the world and that wrestling fans are a lot like music fans in that if they really connect with you, they’ll be fans for life. She loves them all.